Case studies

Planning for my School with the Community (Kwara)

I have been working in education for the past 20 years and this is my first time doing a School Self Evaluation which helps me and the community write a School Development Plan. I called the community together and they came to plan for the school.  I did not think they cared until I invited them to discuss the school’s progress during the School Self Evaluation process” – Mohammed Abdul, Head Teacher, Kuguji LGEA School, Kwara State.

Mohammed was a class teacher in Moshe in Kaiama local government for 17 years before he came to Kuguji. This is the first time he and a community are planning together for his school. The idea is new to him and he is very enthusiastic.

Mohammed is one of the several head teachers who have embraced ESSPIN’s school self evaluation and development planning process. ESSPIN is supporting public primary schools in four local governments to prioritise their needs in the School Development Plans. A team from the LGEA office has been trained to give support to this process.  This involves the school support officers (SSOs) working with the head teachers and the social mobilisation officers (SMOs) mentoring the SBMCs in partnership with civil society facilitators.  The SBMC has met with Mohammed to discuss the priorities of the school. 

“It was really a turning point in my career. I never thought I needed the community to plan with me. With this School Self Evaluation and the School Development Planning we have all come together for the progress of the school. There are some of these parents that I have never even met before. ESSPIN is changing our work and the community for the better.” says a delighted Mohammed.

ESSPIN is committed to significantly transforming the learning environment for children.
Communities in Kwara are getting more involved with planning for their schools. Head Teachers like Mohammed now feel more connected to the parents of pupils in their schools and the parents are responding.

It is no longer just me: the community and I are now partners and we plan getting more chairs and desks for the school.

HT receives professional advice. Mohammed discussing his school’s self evaluation form with the SSO and a SSIT member, Kuguji LGEA School, Kaiama LGA.